Maksymalizacja vs optymalizacja wykorzystania elektroenergetycznych sieci rozdzielczych o strukturze promieniowej

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Z. Lubośny


The article discusses issues of development of distribution grids saturated with so-called distributed generation, in the context of the maximum and optimum use of these grids. The maximum use of a radial distribution grid is meant as the grid's operation at the power lines' loads equal or similar to those permanently allowed. The optimum use of such a grid means its operating condition leading to minimising power and energy losses in the lines. Either of the foregoing operating conditions may be obtained by appropriate allocation of the distributed generation in a grid of this type.

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How to Cite
Z. Lubośny. (2010). Maksymalizacja vs optymalizacja wykorzystania elektroenergetycznych sieci rozdzielczych o strukturze promieniowej. Acta Energetica, (03), 55–71.


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