A Control Strategy to Enable the Flexible Operation of a Low-Voltage Power Microgrid in Grid-Connected and Islanded Modes
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The paper presents a control strategy enabling the operation of a low-voltage power microgrid connected to a utility grid and in island mode, in the event of a significant reduction in the quality of power supply. The power microgrid under consideration contains controllable and non-controllable energy sources, an energy storage, and loads. The control strategy consists in extending the storage functionality by introducing a variable control structure and implementing adjustment mechanisms to ensure maintaining the storage’s appropriate power and energy capacity reserve. The control system is hierarchical, and its main element is the central controller. The control concept is presented, with particular emphasis on the central controller operation. A simulation model is presented, built in the PSCAD/EMTDC environment for analysing the proposed control system and assessing the power microgrid’s performance. Results of a simulation of the control system operation are presented and discussed.
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