Classical and solid-state tap-changers of HV/MV regulating transformers and their regulators

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J. G. Korpikiewicz, P. Mysiak


The paper presents the designs of classic and solid-state tap-changers for HV/MV regulating transformers. A simulation model was designed to assess the quality of voltage regulation with an on-load tap-changer. Disruption in this model is represented by a change in the demand and supply voltage of the transformer. Based on simulation studies, the paper presents the comparative characteristics of classic and solid-state tap-changers. The effect of replacing the classical tap-changer switch with a solid-state one on the regulator synthesis was also studied. Based on the analyses above new options of regulation with solid-state tap-changers have been formulated. The purpose of this paper is to determine the requirements for this new type of regulator for solid-state tap-changers and possible criteria for the operation of this control mechanism.


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How to Cite
J. G. Korpikiewicz, P. Mysiak. (2017). Classical and solid-state tap-changers of HV/MV regulating transformers and their regulators. Acta Energetica, (03), 110–117.


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