Coordinated control of phase shifting transformers in the power system

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R. Korab, R. Owczarek, M. Połomski


In response to the growing problem of unscheduled flows, more and more transmission system operators in Europe provide their systems with phase shifting transformers (PST). However, the operations of several PSTs deployed close to each other must be coordinated for them to be effective and to avoid their harmful interactions. Coordination of a group of such devices leads to a problem of multidimensional optimisation. This paper presents a method of optimal PST setting based on the particle swarm optimisation (PSO) algorithm. As an optimisation criterion the minimization of unscheduled flow through the given system has been applied. The impact of the number of particles in the swarm and their maximum permissible velocity on the optimisation algorithm’s efficiency was analysed. Results are presented for a 118-node test grid.


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How to Cite
R. Korab, R. Owczarek, M. Połomski. (2017). Coordinated control of phase shifting transformers in the power system. Acta Energetica, (03), 97–103.


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