Current issues of group control in the example of solutions for the Włocławek node

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P. Kolendo, A. Jendrzejewska, M. Szuca, T. Ogryczak


Current issues of a group control are discussed in the example of solutions for the Włocławek node. The ARNE/ARST group control systems are responsible for the automatic regulation of voltage at the power plants high voltage substation, the reactive power flow control, as well as the active power flow control. Due to the degree of the node complexity, automated operation scenarios were developed for the most common topology states. The paper presents a description of the basic operating scenario and analyses the nodes control performance based on data from the object.


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How to Cite
P. Kolendo, A. Jendrzejewska, M. Szuca, T. Ogryczak. (2017). Current issues of group control in the example of solutions for the Włocławek node. Acta Energetica, (03), 84–90.


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