The idea of increasing the NPS operational flexibility by reallocating the secondary reserve band to wind power plants

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B. Czarnecki


The paper presents a concept of the reallocation of the secondary regulation half-band towards decreasing the generation output in off-peak hours, from centrally-dispatched generating units (CDGU) to wind turbines. The proposed new regulation service’s operating mechanism is discussed and the following potential benefits of its implementation identified: 1. improvement of the National Power Systems (NPS) operation’s security and reliability 2. avoidance of daily CDGU restarts due to spinning reserve shortage 3. avoidance of wind farms’ deep preventive output curtailments 4. increase of long-term CDGU availability/reliability 5. reduction of the NPS operating costs.


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How to Cite
B. Czarnecki. (2017). The idea of increasing the NPS operational flexibility by reallocating the secondary reserve band to wind power plants. Acta Energetica, (03), 49–53.


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