Technical, economic and organizational conditions of distributed energy sources’ support for NPS operational security

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R. Magulski


The intensive development of distributed generation including renewable energy sources (RES) and the co-generation of electricity and heat is a result of the implementation of European and national energy policy. This policy is due to the growing relevance of distributed sources to generate sufficient power supplies, also their role in ensuring the security and minimizing the costs of the National Power System (NPS) operation will have to increase. The paper presents the concept of distributed energy sources’ interoperability within a virtual power plant (VPP), to provide ancillary services for energy market participants (TSO – transmission system operator, DSOs – distribution system operators, trade balancing and demand management services’ providers). The concept considers the technical, economic and organizational aspects of the characteristics of the generating sources as well as the energy markets and ancillary services’ determinants.


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How to Cite
R. Magulski. (2017). Technical, economic and organizational conditions of distributed energy sources’ support for NPS operational security. Acta Energetica, (02), 127–132.


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