The Power Substation Smart Management SSC System as a Smart Grid Element

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P. Wlazło, R. Przybysz, K. Broda, M. Rup, A. Kołtun, G. Wojtaś


ower supply continuity improvement is one of the most important challenges of electricity distribution operators. Indices need improvement at all voltage levels. However, special attention must be paid to MV/LV substations, which until now have been covered by remote management systems to a small extent. There are several thousands of such stations intended for upgrades each year. Also, the respective capital expenditures, if the upgrades also include Smart Metering, are very large. This makes it necessary to adapt existing, or develop new, solutions to meet the operators’ requirements of the remote monitoring and control functionality, versatility, reliability and security. This paper presents new solutions for AMI/SG cabinet equipment for switchgear control and MV/LV substation monitoring. The solutions are parts of the SSC (Smart Station Control) system based on SEM modular controller.


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How to Cite
P. Wlazło, R. Przybysz, K. Broda, M. Rup, A. Kołtun, G. Wojtaś. (2018). The Power Substation Smart Management SSC System as a Smart Grid Element. Acta Energetica, (04), 47–52.


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