Management System for a Transformer Substation with Energy Storage

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P. Angielczyk, Ł. Sosnowski, A. Kołtun, M. Rup, Ł. Sapuła


Power companies face the necessity to integrate an increasing number of dispersed energy sources into the grid, and at the same time are responsible for ensuring continuity of supply and appropriate energy quality. The implemented solution integrates the measurement, monitoring and control functionality along with data transmission for Smart Grid needs. The system consists of a central unit, GSM modem, UPS system, temperature sensors, insolation sensor, CR/ CRR current transducers, vibration sensor, and software. The system measures AC currents and voltages, while DC currents and voltages are downloaded directly from the energy storage. The system – which can be provided with an operator panel – uses data from the installed sensors to perform additional protection functions. The proposed solution is directed at operators of power grids and industrial plants using renewable energy. It can be deployed in smart buildings and in the prosumer energy sector, especially in farms and small production and service facilities that are interested in electricity generation for their own needs.


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How to Cite
P. Angielczyk, Ł. Sosnowski, A. Kołtun, M. Rup, Ł. Sapuła. (2018). Management System for a Transformer Substation with Energy Storage. Acta Energetica, (04), 27–34.


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