Audit and Modernisation of Lighting in Gdynia – Energy Efficiency and Environmental Impact
Main Article Content
Lighting modernisation effectively reduces electricity costs. LED luminaires' optics enable targeting a light beam exactly where it is needed. Light colour and uniformity selection options provide comfortable conditions for driving vehicles and using the city space. The main reason for luminaire replacement is the financial gain from using energy-saving luminaires. However, this modernisation also improves the safety and comfort of life. Besides, the light beam of the LED luminaires is eye-friendly and as close to natural daylight as possible. This light colour allows us to correctly assess the distance to other objects and people at night. The environmental aspect is also important. LED luminaires are made without elements harmful to the environment. Due to the reduced electricity consumption, less CO2, sulfur, and nitrogen compounds, as well as other toxic substances are released into the atmosphere. The energy and environmental benefits of modernising luminaires in Gdynia are discussed below.
Article Details
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