Selected Technical Issues in the Design of 110 kV Power Lines in the Context of Requirements of the Current PN-EN 50341:2013 Standard Using the Example of the Pylon Project, Implemented by Energa Invest Design Office

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Anna Scheibe, Paweł Szwarczewski


The paper introduces practical aspects of high-voltage lines design using the example of the Pylon project – a catalogue of lattice towers (single and double circuit 110 kV lines), established by Energa Invest belonging to the Energa Group – the first such comprehensive project of this type implemented in Poland. The experience gained while working on the support catalogue for HV lines is referred to the current requirements of PN-EN 50341:2013 standard. The paper presents issues concerning the selection of optimal support dimensions while maintaining safe line operation. The strength tests carried out indicate that the methodology used to design the supports is appropriate, and the values determined in the calculation model correspond to those obtained experimentally.


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How to Cite
Anna Scheibe, Paweł Szwarczewski. (2020). Selected Technical Issues in the Design of 110 kV Power Lines in the Context of Requirements of the Current PN-EN 50341:2013 Standard Using the Example of the Pylon Project, Implemented by Energa Invest Design Office. Acta Energetica, (01), 23–30. Retrieved from


PN-EN 50341-1:2013-03: Elektroenergetyczne linie napowietrzne prądu przemiennego powyżej 1 kV – Część 1: Wymagania ogólne – Specyfikacje wspólne [Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV – Part 1: General requirements – Common specifications]

PN-EN 50341-2-22:2016-04: Elektroenergetyczne linie napowietrzne prądu przemiennego powyżej 1 kV – Część 2-22: Krajowe Warunki Normatywne (NNA) dla Polski [Overhead electrical lines exceeding AC 1 kV – Part 2–22: National Normative Annex for Poland].

PN-EN 1993-3-1:2008: Projektowanie konstrukcji stalowych – Część 3–1: Wieże, maszty i kominy – Wieże i maszty [Design of steel structures – Part 3–1: Towers, masts and chimneys – Towers and masts].

PN-EN-60652:2006: Badania obciążeniowe konstrukcji wsporczych elektroenergetycznych linii napowietrznych [Loading tests on overhead line structures