Simulation Tests of the Power System Defence Process at a Decrease in Frequency – Implementation of the NC ER/2017 Code Recommendations
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The basic measure of the power system defence against sudden imbalance due to generation deficit is the Automatic Frequency Load Shedding (AFLS). Every transmission system operator (TSO), to whom the NC ER/2017 code applies, shall be obliged to use in their defence plan the AFLS automation that meets the guidelines set out there. In the simulation tests carried out using the DAKAR program, the AFLS was modelled in accordance with the guidelines of NC ER/2017 and the current requirements of the Transmission Network Code (IRiESP). The selected area concerned the northwestern part of the National Power System with a large imbalance and a sudden decrease in frequency. Advantages of NC ER/2017 entries have been pointed out.
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