An Optimal Power Point Tracking Algorithm in a Solar PV Generation System
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The non-linearity in I-V characteristics of a PV panel requires to be operated at knee point to extract maximum power. In order to operate the panel at optimal point, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm is employed in the control structure. The main objective of MPP tracking is to keep the operation at knee point of I-V characteristics under varying condition of temperature and solar insolation. Under non uniform solar PV insolation falling on PV panels connected in series, a partial shading condition (PSC) occurs under cloud or shadow effects causes multiple power peak formation. The conventional MPPT methods fail to converge at global maximum power point (GMPP) under the PSC condition. Occurrence of these multiple peaks on characteristics of P-V makes tracking very difficult and requires integration of an efficient algorithm that differentiates between global and local maximum power point. This paper proposes a variable structure constant voltage method to overcome the problem faced by conventional MPPT methods. Moreover, quadratic boost converter has been taken for MPPT operation for increasing the effective gain of the converter. The effective operation of control algorithm has been validated in simulation results.
Article Details
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