Fault Tolerant Control Based on Extended Kalman Filter of Squirrel-Cage Induction Machines
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Fault-tolerant control systems possess the ability of rejecting the effect of faults. They are capable of maintaining overall system stability and acceptable performance in degraded modes. Through many researches, the analysis, modeling, and simulation of various inverter and machine faults have been carried out for the purpose of providing a fault tolerance. However, most of them are based on systems redundancy principle. Among the real-time based approaches for the fault detection and diagnosis, there are several strategies such as the pseudo inverse method, the linear quadratic approach and Extended Kalman Filter based Fault Tolerant Control (EKF-FTC). In recent years the application of Kalman filter approaches has gained an increasing attention in fundamental research and application. In this paper, a FTC method dedicated to Induction Motor (IM) drive is presented. The proposed method based on an additive term to the backstepping control which based on the error of current during the appearance of fault and the adaptive gain of the Kalman filter. This method improves the performance of the backstepping control to maintain the operation despite the appearance of faults. The main objective is to ensure a minimum level of performance of the drive system that is malfunctioning.
Article Details
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