Multi-Criteria Phase Sequence Optimization in Selected the Highest-Voltage Power Lines Using the Evolutionary Algorithm

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Jacek Wasilewski, Paweł Kubek


The article presents a model and results of multi-criteria phase sequence optimization for selected LV line strings in the Polish National Power System, in the context of minimizing the voltage and current asymmetry coefficients. The objective function, decision variables, task parameters, and state variables are characterized in detail. Criteria such as the capital expenditure necessary for line symmetrisation interlacing and voltage asymmetry coefficients were considered. The evolutionary algorithm was used to solve the optimization model presented above. To prioritize the criteria under consideration, the multi-criteria quasi-lexicographic approach was applied. The results are analysed in detail, as well as the input data uncertainty impact on the results.


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How to Cite
Jacek Wasilewski, Paweł Kubek. (2019). Multi-Criteria Phase Sequence Optimization in Selected the Highest-Voltage Power Lines Using the Evolutionary Algorithm. Acta Energetica, (02), 73–79. Retrieved from


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