Innovative Approaches to Smart Energy Integration in Core Electrical Systems

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Nouby M. Ghazaly
Ritika Dhabliya


Integrating green energy sources into main power systems creates both chances and problems for making the energy supply stable and long-lasting. This essay looks at new ways to efficiently combine green energy sources like solar and wind power with other energy sources like biomass to make the system stable and long-lasting.One big problem with green energy sources is that they fluctuate based on the weather. In response, smart energy systems are being created that will cleverly combine green energy sources with biomass energy to keep things stable. The sun and wind can provide energy when conditions are right, and waste energy can be used when natural resources are low.Different creative methods are being used to improve the merging of smart energy. Using improved tracking systems for watching in real time, microgrid for producing energy locally, and energy storage technologies for keeping extra energy are a few examples. Additionally, demand response systems are being used to control the amount of energy needed during busy times, which improves both usage and grid security.Furthermore, combining artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques makes it possible to predict energy demand and supply and do preventative repair on energy infrastructure. Security and openness are built into energy deals with blockchain technology, and the Internet of Things lets people watch and control how much energy buildings and factories use.Intelligent energy systems can make the energy supply more safe, reliable, and long-lasting by using these new methods. This will lead to a cleaner and more efficient future.

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How to Cite
Ghazaly, N. M., & Dhabliya, R. (2023). Innovative Approaches to Smart Energy Integration in Core Electrical Systems. Acta Energetica, (01), 49–59.