Electricity Distribution Effectiveness

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Waldemar Szpyra, Wiesław Nowak, Rafał Tarko


This paper discusses the basic concepts of cost accounting in the power industry and selected ways of assessing the effectiveness of electricity distribution. The results of effectiveness analysis of MV/LV distribution transformer replacement are presented, and unit costs of energy transmission through various medium-voltage line types are compared. The calculation results confirm the viability of replacing transformers manufactured before 1975. Replacing transformers manufactured after 1975 – only to reduce energy losses – is not economically justified. Increasing use of a PAS type line for energy transmission in local distribution networks is reasonable. Cabling these networks under the current calculation rules of discounts for excessive power outages is not viable, even in areas particularly exposed to catastrophic wire icing.

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How to Cite
Waldemar Szpyra, Wiesław Nowak, Rafał Tarko. (2015). Electricity Distribution Effectiveness. Acta Energetica, (04), 120–130. https://doi.org/10.52710/ae.458


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