Application of Voltage-regulating and Phaseshifting Transformers to Control Power Flows in the Power System

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Maksymilian Przygrodzki, Piotr Rzepka, Mateusz Szablicki


Transmission system performance results from, among other factors, the use of devices for electricity transmission and transformation. Proper operation and control of these devices allows maintaining proper electricity parameters and the continuous supply to end consumers. In the group of electricity transforming devices transformers can be distinguished by the ability to control both the magnitude and phase angle of voltage. In this way transmission system state parameters are adjusted, which enable selecting the reactive and active power. On the one hand, these are devices of a complex structure, resulting in difficult operating conditions, while on the other hand they provide a potential opportunity to influence the power flow (including active power) in power grids. This article presents the idea of voltage and phase regulation and a transformer regulating unit model. Using the transformer unit’s grid model power analyses were conducted with a focus on evaluating load flow control capabilities. The results of the calculations for the selected transformer unit are power) in power grids. This article presents the idea of voltage and phase regulation and a transformer regulating unit model. Using the transformer unit’s grid model power analyses were conducted with a focus on evaluating load flow control capabilities. The results of the calculations for the selected transformer unit are presented.

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How to Cite
Maksymilian Przygrodzki, Piotr Rzepka, Mateusz Szablicki. (2015). Application of Voltage-regulating and Phaseshifting Transformers to Control Power Flows in the Power System. Acta Energetica, (04), 87–98.


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