Maximisation of Combined Cycle Power Plant Efficiency

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Janusz Kotowicz, Marcin Job, Mateusz Brzęczek


The paper presents concepts for increasing the efficiency of a modern combined cycle power plant. Improvement of gas turbine performance indicators as well as recovering heat from the air cooling the gas turbine’s flow system enable reaching gross electrical efficiencies of around 65%. Analyses for a wide range of compressor pressure ratios were performed. Operating characteristics were developed for the analysed combined cycle plant, for different types of open air cooling arrangements of the gas turbine’s expander: convective, transpiration and film.

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How to Cite
Janusz Kotowicz, Marcin Job, Mateusz Brzęczek. (2015). Maximisation of Combined Cycle Power Plant Efficiency. Acta Energetica, (04), 42–53.


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