Optimization of the Selection of P(U) and Q(U) Characteristic Parameters of Solar Microinverters

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Paweł Pijarski, Piotr Kacejko


Currently, a dynamic increase can be observed in the number of photovoltaic plants connected to a low voltage grid. The phenomenon of power flow towards a transformer substation may cause the permissible voltage to be exceeded. There are several ways to eliminate the adverse voltage increases. In this article, the authors proposed a method for optimizing the selection of P(U) and Q(U) characteristics of solar plant inverters. The research shows that the use of inverters, for which both characteristics have been activated, allows to master the problem of voltage increase with a small reduction of the micro-plant output.


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How to Cite
Paweł Pijarski, Piotr Kacejko. (2019). Optimization of the Selection of P(U) and Q(U) Characteristic Parameters of Solar Microinverters. Acta Energetica, (02), 14–19. Retrieved from https://www.actaenergetica.org/index.php/journal/article/view/43


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