Analysis of Technical Possibilities of Photovoltaic and Wind Sources Playing in an Ancillary Service of Frequency and Power Regulation

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Mateusz Szablicki, Piotr Rzepka


Together with a growing share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the generation sector of power systems, the interest of power grid operators in the possibilities of their use for regulation purposes is growing. The possibility and level of impact of RES on the frequency and power regulation process are determined by the properties of particular RES. The paper analysed the potential technical possibilities of photovoltaic and wind sources playing a part in an ancillary service of frequency and power regulation. Technical restrictions conditioning the availability of this service were specified.

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How to Cite
Mateusz Szablicki, Piotr Rzepka. (2016). Analysis of Technical Possibilities of Photovoltaic and Wind Sources Playing in an Ancillary Service of Frequency and Power Regulation. Acta Energetica, (04), 112–125.


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