Performance Analysis of Power Boiler Drum Water Level Control Systems

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Mariusz Pawlak


Described in the paper are the structures of water level controls in power boiler drums. A boiler drum’s function is very important for the power unit process, because this is where water separates from steam, which is then superheated and supplied to the turbine. A boiler drum’s dynamic properties as an object of regulation have been listed. The model has been identified on the basis of measurement data from a real object. In the described system the control and measurement devices’ working conditions are difficult due to high temperature and pressure. Incorrect operation of the control system could lead to a major accident. A performance analysis has been presented of three controller level structures, to ensure the system’s stable operation.

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How to Cite
Mariusz Pawlak. (2016). Performance Analysis of Power Boiler Drum Water Level Control Systems. Acta Energetica, (04), 81–96.


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