The Impact of a Power Electronics Converter in Phase Failure Work on the Power System Network

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Dariusz Zieliński, Katarzyna Przytuła


The paper presents the impact of phase failure work on power converters. The study includes a three-level NPC inverter (Neutral Point Clamped), controlled by Voltage Oriented Control (VOC). The NPC converter integrates renewable energy sources with the power grid. The article includes a discussion about the causes of phase failure work and an analysis of the converter’s failure and its impact on the power grid. The simulations were performed in MATLAB/Simulink. The study also includes the concept of an integrated protection for IGBTs, controlled by the DSP microprocessor system.

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How to Cite
Dariusz Zieliński, Katarzyna Przytuła. (2016). The Impact of a Power Electronics Converter in Phase Failure Work on the Power System Network. Acta Energetica, (03), 155–168.


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