Nuclear Co-generation: The Analysis of Technical Capabilities and Cost Estimates

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Andrzej Reński, Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz, Tomasz Minkiewicz, Marcin Jaskólski, Agnieszka Kaczmarek-Kacprzak


This paper presents a concept of the parallel connection of a nuclear power plant fitted to provide heat for district heating application, with the CHP and heat plants existing in the supply region, in this case with the heating systems of Wejherowo and Gdynia. Presented variant proposes to add heat to a nuclear power plant’s total output by supplying heat exchangers with the steam from bleeders of low pressure (LP) turbine stage and from the crossover pipe between its high pressure (HP) and intermediate pressure (IP) stages. A detailed diagram of the EPR nuclear turbine system adapted to supply district heat is also presented. Also determined are the formulas for: electric power output of a nuclear CHP plant; electric power generated strictly in cogeneration, and the decrease in the electric power and energy resulting from the operation in cogeneration mode. Finally, the profitability (competitiveness) criteria for a nuclear power plant adapted to supply district heat in a selected heat supply region were proposed.

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How to Cite
Andrzej Reński, Kazimierz Duzinkiewicz, Tomasz Minkiewicz, Marcin Jaskólski, Agnieszka Kaczmarek-Kacprzak. (2016). Nuclear Co-generation: The Analysis of Technical Capabilities and Cost Estimates. Acta Energetica, (03), 121–132.


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