Autonomous Electrical Vehicles’ Charging Station

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Józef Paska, Mariusz Kłos, Łukasz Rosłaniec, Rafał Bielas, Magdalena Błędzińska


This paper presents a model of an autonomous electrical vehicles’ charging station. It consists of renewable energy sources: wind turbine system, photovoltaic cells, as well as an energy storage, load, and EV charging station. In order to optimise the operating conditions, power electronic converters were added to the system. The model was implemented in the Homer Energy programme. The first part of the paper presents the design assumptions and technological solutions. Further in the paper simulation results are discussed and analysed, and then problems observed in the simulation and possible solutions.

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How to Cite
Józef Paska, Mariusz Kłos, Łukasz Rosłaniec, Rafał Bielas, Magdalena Błędzińska. (2016). Autonomous Electrical Vehicles’ Charging Station. Acta Energetica, (03), 109–120.


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Getting started Guide for Homer –

instrukcja programu. [dostęp
