Distribution MV and LV Network Optimal Reconfiguration

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P. Helt, P. Zduńczyk


Reducing power losses in energy distribution is forced by mandatory law. Optimization of network reconfiguration can lead to reducing power losses by even a dozen or so percent. Two methods of network reconfiguration optimization are presented in the paper: the heuristic method and a method based on genetic algorithms. The presented solutions offer the opportunity to optimize medium voltage and low voltage distribution networks at the same time. Calculation results for real distribution network are presented. The presented results indicate a high efficiency of network reconfiguration optimization.


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How to Cite
P. Helt, P. Zduńczyk. (2014). Distribution MV and LV Network Optimal Reconfiguration. Acta Energetica, (04), 79–90. https://doi.org/10.52710/ae.310


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