Analysis of waveforms in a power system at asymmetrical and symmetrical short-circuits in a transmission line
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In the paper, current and voltage waveforms of a synchronous generator operating in a singlemachine power system (PS) consisting of a generating unit connected by a high-voltage power line to a bus are analysed. Disturbances in the form of single-phase, two-phase clear of earth, and three-phase short-circuits in a transmission line are taken into account. The content of higher harmonics of the considered quantities in the steady state for various types of short-circuits is analysed. The synchronous generator model includes its subtransient asymmetry, which at asymmetrical short-circuits causes occurrence of higher harmonics in the waveforms of, among others, stator current and voltage, and the field current. These harmonics occur even when the saturation of the machine magnetic cores is neglected.
Article Details
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