Tests and Trials Viewing Specifications of Power and Wind Farms – Selected Issues

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K. Marszałkiewicz, I. Grządzielski, A. Trzeciak, M. Maćkowiak


After connecting and running the wind farm must undergo a series of tests to confirm the specific supplies’ properties. This article presents selected issues associated with tests and trials viewing technical parameters – regulatory properties of wind farms in the field of active power, voltage drops and the influence on energy quality at the point of attachment.


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How to Cite
K. Marszałkiewicz, I. Grządzielski, A. Trzeciak, M. Maćkowiak. (2014). Tests and Trials Viewing Specifications of Power and Wind Farms – Selected Issues. Acta Energetica, (03), 101–113. https://doi.org/10.52710/ae.298


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