Area-Wide Management of a Significant Wind Generation as a Way to Ensure a Safe Grid Operation

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M. Bajor, R. Jankowski, G. Widelski


The paper presents a new approach to the problem of optimizing wind generation distribution in cases of overloads in the grid caused by high level of wind generation. The approach is based on a modified and enhanced version of a genetic algorithm presented at the previous “Aktualne Problemy w Elektroenergetyce” (APE) [Present-Day Problems of Power Engineering] conference in 2011. The idea of coherent a grid nodes is introduced in order to optimize generation levels for groups of wind farms instead of individual wind farms, enabling grid operators to distribute power reduction among wind farms in a more equal manner, which can result in enabling larger wind generation penetration in grid with low transmission capacities. The test results as well as results obtained using the algorithm for a real-life, large-scale case are also presented.


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How to Cite
M. Bajor, R. Jankowski, G. Widelski. (2014). Area-Wide Management of a Significant Wind Generation as a Way to Ensure a Safe Grid Operation. Acta Energetica, (03), 17–26.


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