Circular flow development processes in transmission power networks

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S. Ziemianek


This paper describes the mechanism of sequential formation of circular fl ows in transmission power networks. These fl ows are detected by a method of automatic identifi - cation of circular fl ows in a meshed transmission network – based on application of the power fl ows tracing theory. Matrices built in power fl ows tracing are reviewed, which in each node tie up the power fl ow with the power generated (or received). This method is very eff ective. It was used to analyze the seemingly abrupt appearance of circular fl ows in a meshed transmission network. Some regularities are observed in the appearances of these fl ows in transmission networks. These are discussed in the example of the known IEEE 118 system.

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How to Cite
S. Ziemianek. (2012). Circular flow development processes in transmission power networks. Acta Energetica, (02), 93–100.


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