Energy Effectiveness and Economic Performance of Gas and Gas-Steam Combined Heat and Power Plants Fired with Natural Gas
Main Article Content
The paper presents the energy and economic effectiveness analysis of technological systems of gas and gas-steam combined heat and power (CHP) plants. For the analysis the following five technological systems of gas and gas-steam CHP plants fired with natural gas were chosen: (1) large-scale gas-steam CHP unit with three-pressure heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) and steam reheat and extraction-condensing steam turbine, (2) middle-scale gas-steam CHP unit with two-pressure HRSG and extraction-condensing steam turbine (3) middle-scale gas-steam CHP unit with one-pressure HRSG and extraction-condensing steam turbine, (4) small-scale gas CHP unit with gas turbine working in simple cycle and (5) gas CHP unit with gas engine. For the energy effectiveness evaluation of particular analyzed technological systems of cogeneration units the following quantities were determined: efficiency of electricity produced in cogeneration, efficiency of heat produced in cogeneration, overall efficiency of cogeneration unit, power to heat ratio and primary energy savings (PES). As a criterion characterizing the economic effectiveness of the analyzed CHP units the specific electricity generation cost, discounted for 2015 was chosen. The results of the performed analysis are presented in Tables and in Figures.
Article Details
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