Operation of a BC50 Cogeneration Unit of a CHP Plant in an Isolated Island System

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Ireneusz Grządzielski, Krzysztof Sroka, Arkadiusz Łacny, Daria Radsak


In a paper presented at the previous APE ‚13 conference [1] results of a concept of separating an island system with a BC50 thermal unit in VEOLIA ENERGY Poznan ZEC SA’s power plant (hereinafter ECII Karolin) were presented. The following loads were selected for supply in the separated island system: EC II Karolin’s auxiliaries and general purpose loads, industrial loads in the plant’s immediate vicinity, and, in the future, municipal consumers. The concept of separation of the island supplied from BC50 unit requires comprehensive verification of the adopted assumptions through system experiments before the appropriate separation automation implementation. The paper presents selected results of the first experiment of the operation of the separated island system with a BC50 unit and the plant’s auxiliaries and general purpose loads plus an external consumer, i.e. a waste water treatment plant in the conurbation of Poznań.

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How to Cite
Ireneusz Grządzielski, Krzysztof Sroka, Arkadiusz Łacny, Daria Radsak. (2016). Operation of a BC50 Cogeneration Unit of a CHP Plant in an Isolated Island System. Acta Energetica, (01), 15–32. https://doi.org/10.52710/ae.214


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