Improvement of transient stability by means of a series braking resistor

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S. Robak, K. Gryszpanowicz


The article discusses the use of a series braking resistor to improve the transient stability of a power system. In the case under consideration, a series braking resistor is used to keep the synchronism of synchronous generators after a three-phase short-circuit in a transmission line nearby of power plant. Braking resistors have recently been increasingly used in power engineering. This focus of this paper is on how the resistor is incorporated into the generator unit and on the generator braking intensity during a fault. Theoretical considerations were confirmed by simulation tests in a test system.


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How to Cite
S. Robak, K. Gryszpanowicz. (2017). Improvement of transient stability by means of a series braking resistor. Acta Energetica, (04), 111–115.


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