Dynamic management of transmission capacity in power systems

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W. Szpyra, P. Kacejko, P. Pijarski, M. Wydra, J. Kmak, W. Nowak, R. Tarko


In this paper, the impact of load and weather conditions on the capacity of overhead power lines and methods of determining their dynamic capacity are discussed. There are presented selected aspects related to the dynamic transmission capacity management system, developed under the GEKON research and development project, in particular the algorithm for determining line capacity depending on weather conditions and the algorithm for controlling power distribution used in case the capacity of some lines is insufficient under the given conditions. Also, the economic aspects of applying dynamic transmission capacity management are presented.


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How to Cite
W. Szpyra, P. Kacejko, P. Pijarski, M. Wydra, J. Kmak, W. Nowak, R. Tarko. (2017). Dynamic management of transmission capacity in power systems. Acta Energetica, (04), 68–77. https://doi.org/10.52710/ae.208


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