Energy Storage Control Strategy In a Prosumer System and Its Impact on the Distribution Grid

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P. Urbanek, I. Wasiak, R. Pawełek


This paper discusses the operation of a low voltage prosumer system consisting of receivers and power sources. The system represents a hypothetical customer with variable energy input and output. The main technical issues related to the operation of such a system are presented. The application of an electric energy storage in the system for the purpose of managing the active power and providing the ancillary services relevant for the system's owner is discussed. The basic criterion of the system's performance is maximizing the use of the energy generated by the prosumer and maintaining the power factor at a desired level. The storage efficiency was tested using a simulation model developed in the PSCAD / EMTDC program. Sample simulation results are presented.


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How to Cite
P. Urbanek, I. Wasiak, R. Pawełek. (2017). Energy Storage Control Strategy In a Prosumer System and Its Impact on the Distribution Grid. Acta Energetica, (02), 213–221.


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