Prospects for TSOS’ cooperation in the european competitive energy and power reserves market in the context of solutions proposed by ENTSO-E

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T. Pakulski


The author has presented the prospects for cooperation between transmission system operators (TSOs) in balancing energy and power reserves after the introduction of ENTSO-E network codes. New areas of TSO activity are presented, as well as powers related to the process of ensuring the NPS operation’s safety and reliability within the framework of the created model of the European competitive energy market. In particular, issues related to the exchange and sharing of reserves and the exchange and settlement of balancing services. The requirements for TSOs’ co-operation within Coordinated Balancing Areas (CoBA) and the implications of implementing functions performed within CoBAs were presented in this paper. The terms of TSOs’ cooperation with Balancing Service Providers (BSP) and Balance Responsible Parties (BRP) in terms of acquisition, activation and settlement of balancing products have been defined.


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How to Cite
T. Pakulski. (2017). Prospects for TSOS’ cooperation in the european competitive energy and power reserves market in the context of solutions proposed by ENTSO-E. Acta Energetica, (02), 164–170.


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“ENTSO-E Network Code on Electricity Balancing”, version 3.0, 6.08.2014.

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