Automatic adjustment of phase shifting transformers – the ability to control the active power flow in international exchange lines

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K. Opala, T. Ogryczak


The authors presented the characteristics of Mikułowa substation in terms of its location and grid connections, brief functional description of its automatic controls, and the results of tests of the automatic control of four phase shifting transformers installed in Mikułowa – Hagenwerder international exchange lines. The tests were carried out as part of the phase shifting transformers’ commissioning at Mikułowa substation in 2016. These results allow one to verify the actual range of control of active power flow between the power system of Poland and Germany, and the control’s effect on the power flow in the NPS. This is the first such installation on a cross-border interconnection in Poland. So far the active power flow in the National Power System (NPS) has never been altered with the use of phase shifting transformers.


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How to Cite
K. Opala, T. Ogryczak. (2017). Automatic adjustment of phase shifting transformers – the ability to control the active power flow in international exchange lines. Acta Energetica, (02), 149–157.


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