Study of transient phenomena at a thermal unit’s starting circuit set-up and auxiliary equipment start-up

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I. A. Grządzielski, K. Sroka, M. Zakrzewski


As a result of the power system’s catastrophic failure, thermal power plant units should proceed to the house load operation (HLO). Due to the catastrophic failure process dynamics, many units may be subject to emergency outage. It is therefore necessary to restart these units by powering them from blackstart sources with self-propulsion capability. The applicable Transmission Network Code (IRiESP) provides for periodic screening and system tests for such sources. Each system test before, and after, requires a simulation test to evaluate the capacity to supply power to the blackstarted plant through a starting circuit, as well as to restart the concerned unit’s most powerful auxiliary equipment. This paper presents selected results of the simulation studies of transient phenomena in the starting circuit from Dychów Hydropower Plant to Turów Power Plant, related to the system test conducted in July 2016.


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How to Cite
I. A. Grządzielski, K. Sroka, M. Zakrzewski. (2017). Study of transient phenomena at a thermal unit’s starting circuit set-up and auxiliary equipment start-up. Acta Energetica, (02), 68–78.


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“Instrukcja Ruchu i Eksploatacji Sieci Przesyłowej” [IRiESP Transmission Network Code] developed PSE SA w part: „Warunki korzystania, prowadzenia ruchu, eksploatacji i planowania rozwoju sieci” [Conditions for using and operating the grid, and planning its development], version of January 1, 2012, as currently amended.

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