Determination of Connection Capacity in the HV Closed Network by the use of a Black-box Optimization – a Case Study
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The current legislation imposes an obligation on power system operators to regularly determine and publish connection capacities of transmission and distribution network nodes. Currently, the coherent node method is used for determining the connection capacity of transmission and distribution network nodes. However, this method has some limitations that do not allow clearly determining the sought power values, determining the connection capacity of the nodes in the analysed network. This paper proposes a method for determining the connection capacity of nodes in any closed HV network using black-box optimization. Calculations and analyses were performed for a full non-linear model of the Polish NPS. The results obtained show the possibilities of using this method for any configuration of nodes to be analysed, without the need for division into coherent groups. The proposed method shows the possibility of including any limitations relevant to the correct operation of the system in the calculations, such as: allowable voltage levels, allowable line load, maximum short-circuit power in the network nodes or emergency states (n-1) of the system’s operation.
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