Technical Capacity and Economic Aspects of Using Energy Storage Systems for Balancing Variable Renewable Energy
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Development of wind generation, besides its positive aspects related to the use of renewable energy, is a challenge in terms of operational security and economy of the National Power System (NPS). The uncertain and variable nature of wind generation sources (WG) entails the need to ensure by the TSO adequate power reserves, necessary to maintain the stable power system operation. Entities involved in energy trading from these sources incur additional balancing costs of unplanned production deviations. Continuous rise of WG installed capacity causes increase the problems associated with power system balancing. One of the solution may be energy storage systems. The paper presents the results of analyses of the possible use of electrochemical energy storage systems to balance WG variability as a tool to support the power system operation planning, in order to reduce the operating costs of the NPS. The method of determining the preferred types of electrochemical energy storage systems, basis on the technical and economic optimisation indicators was shown in this article.
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