Electricity Supplier Switching Process in Poland – a Process Based on the General Distribution Agreement
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Poland, as a Member State of the European Union, is committed to respect the common rules on the electricity market, among other things. One of the most important examples of these regulations is the perception of energy as a commodity subject to competitive market mechanisms. Competitive processes introduced in the national electricity market enable energy consumers, i.a., choice of electricity supplier under the TPA formula. This key right of consumers, embedded in the domestic electricity market for more than nine years, remains controversial and causes a lot of discussion. In this paper market conditions substantially influencing the switch of the electricity supplier in Poland have been presented. The electricity supplier switching process based on the general distribution agreement (GDA) has been discussed in detail. During the presentation, reference was made to all relevant regulations applicable to the issues raised, with particular emphasis on the provisions of the Distribution Grid Code (DGC) and the GDA template.
Article Details
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