Operation and Design Properties of Limit Power Turbo-Generator Rotors

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J. Przybysz, O. Tretiak, O. Shut, P. Gakal, V. Korohodskiy, V. Poliienko


The paper presents the results of basic design methods and justification of the use of existing materials for limit power turbo-generators with different cooling systems. The control methods necessary to assess the material’s technical condition are listed. Mechanical calculations of a 560 MW turbo generator rotor’s stress condition are reported. It has been shown that the rotor can be operated without restrictions throughout its entire operating lifetime.


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How to Cite
J. Przybysz, O. Tretiak, O. Shut, P. Gakal, V. Korohodskiy, V. Poliienko. (2018). Operation and Design Properties of Limit Power Turbo-Generator Rotors. Acta Energetica, (03), 93–98. https://doi.org/10.52710/ae.125


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