Simulation of Daily Operation Conditions of an MV Network Under Changing Demand Conditions

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A. Kąkol


The investments in MV network automation is being carried out successively by Distribution System Operators (DSOs). These investments are aimed at improving the network flexibility and increasing the reliability of electricity supplies to the customers. At the same time, regardless of the investment activities undertaken by the DSO, there is an increase in the number and power of dispersed energy sources connected to the MV and LV grid. As a result, a higher dynamics of grid operating conditions is observed. An active power, generated from the sources connected to the MV and LV grid, prevail local demand with higher intensity and is transferred to the HV grid. The occurrence of such states depends on the current demand and the availability of primary energy sources, i.e. wind, sun or water. It is expected that new facilities, such as electric energy storage units and electric cars, will have a crucial impact on the MV grid operation conditions and should be considered in the development plans and operating conditions planning. The article presents a proposal to improve flexibility of the MV distribution grid by utilization of remotely controllable switches (RCS). RCS are used to shift tie open point with the change of the demand. Following three control schemes were assumed: no dispatcher’s interference into the grid configuration, reconfiguration of the grid in accordance with the previously prepared schedule and reconfiguration of the grid as a response to measured changes in demand. The quality indices were introduced and evaluated for each control schemes.


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How to Cite
A. Kąkol. (2018). Simulation of Daily Operation Conditions of an MV Network Under Changing Demand Conditions. Acta Energetica, (03), 58–63.


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