Analysis of Voltage Conditions in Low Voltage Networks Highly Saturated with Photovoltaic Micro Installations

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P. Pijarski, P. Kacejko, S. Adamek


This paper presents a voltage analysis of an LV network saturated with PV micro installations beyond the MV/LV transformer rated power. It has been shown that in adverse circumstances, the voltage may rise as much as 10% over the rating. An all-year-round voltage hazard assessment methodology is presented. Directions of efforts to limit the adverse PV micro installation-related voltage phenomena are identified.


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How to Cite
P. Pijarski, P. Kacejko, S. Adamek. (2018). Analysis of Voltage Conditions in Low Voltage Networks Highly Saturated with Photovoltaic Micro Installations. Acta Energetica, (03), 4–9.


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