Sustainable Development of Generation Sources in the National Power System

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B. Zaporowski


The paper analyses the sustainable development of generation sources in the Polish National Power System (NPS). Criteria for the power system’s sustainable development are formulated. The power balance of Centrally Dispatched Generating Units (CDGU) required for the NPS’s safe operation until 2035 is developed. 19 prospective electricity generation technologies are defined in the following three groups: base load power plants, large and medium-capacity combined power and heat power plants, and small-capacity combined power and heat power plants (dispersed sources). Energy efficiency and CO2 emission parameters are determined for selected generating technologies. Also, the electricity generation costs, including CO2 emission allowances, discounted to 2018, are calculated for each technology. A roadmap for the sustainable development of generation sources in the National Power System in the years 2020–2035 is developed. The results of calculations and analyses are presented in tables and in a figure.


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How to Cite
B. Zaporowski. (2018). Sustainable Development of Generation Sources in the National Power System. Acta Energetica, (02), 64–69.


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