Stability Analysis of Real-Time Simulation of a Power Transformer’s Operating Conditions

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Z. Kłosowski, S. Cieślik AFFILIATIONS


Real-time computer simulation of a power system’s operating conditions requires the use of mathematical modelling algorithms that guarantee the execution of calculations in an assumed time and with an assumed precision. A power transformer is a power system’s basic element, the mathematical model of which is relatively complex (magnetic couplings, non-linear magnetization characteristics). Computer simulation of a transformer’s operating conditions is meant as a numerical representation of its operation. Simulation stability is another important issue in the context of the simulators’ operation in real time. This paper presents a stability analysis of real-time simulation using the numerical integration trapezoid algorithm for mathematical modelling of power transformers.


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How to Cite
Z. Kłosowski, S. Cieślik AFFILIATIONS. (2018). Stability Analysis of Real-Time Simulation of a Power Transformer’s Operating Conditions. Acta Energetica, (02), 31–37.


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